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 Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."

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Little Miss Addict
Little Miss Addict


Messages : 4482
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : In Star City with Oliver Queen

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyJeu 4 Mai - 21:25

Bienvenue sur le premier sujet d'appréciation de Caitlin Snow & Julian Albert!

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_omh6grQyOG1qh1pn2o2_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_omh6grQyOG1qh1pn2o3_500

Membres shippeurs :
1. angel_15
2. Nick_Ship_Addict

Dernière édition par angel_15 le Jeu 4 Mai - 21:29, édité 1 fois
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Little Miss Addict
Little Miss Addict


Messages : 4482
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : In Star City with Oliver Queen

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyJeu 4 Mai - 21:26

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_ol1d5nwO6w1qfn2zzo6_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_ol1d5nwO6w1qfn2zzo8_500
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Little Miss Addict
Little Miss Addict


Messages : 4482
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : In Star City with Oliver Queen

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyJeu 4 Mai - 21:27

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_okreom60Rf1qeq8d6o1_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_okreom60Rf1qeq8d6o2_500
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyJeu 4 Mai - 21:27

Ajoute moi pls Smile
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Little Miss Addict
Little Miss Addict


Messages : 4482
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : In Star City with Oliver Queen

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyJeu 4 Mai - 21:28

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo2_250Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo3_250
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo8_250Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo9_250
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo4_250Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo5_250
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo1_250Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo6_r1_250
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo7_250Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_olrl1nrI0D1qh0nwmo10_250
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Little Miss Addict
Little Miss Addict


Messages : 4482
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : In Star City with Oliver Queen

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyJeu 4 Mai - 21:30

Je t'ai ajouté Wink

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_onk5g7uWkl1qh0nwmo2_r1_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_onk5g7uWkl1qh0nwmo3_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_onk5g7uWkl1qh0nwmo1_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_onk5g7uWkl1qh0nwmo4_500 
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyJeu 4 Mai - 21:31

Merci ♥
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Little Miss Addict
Little Miss Addict


Messages : 4482
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : In Star City with Oliver Queen

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyJeu 4 Mai - 21:31

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_omh9defvwd1qh0nwmo4_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_omh9defvwd1qh0nwmo3_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_omh9defvwd1qh0nwmo5_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_omh9defvwd1qh0nwmo1_500
Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Tumblr_omh9defvwd1qh0nwmo2_500
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyJeu 4 Mai - 21:33

Awww, j'espère tellement que Tom reste dans la série pour l'an prochain ♥
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Little Miss Addict
Little Miss Addict


Messages : 4482
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 35
Localisation : In Star City with Oliver Queen

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyVen 5 Mai - 6:06

Autant au début j'avais aucun intérêt pour son personnage, autant depuis qu'il est dans la team je l'adore ^^ Il a un humour maintenant qu'il avait pas avant puis ses scènes avec Caitlin aussi  Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   861362 autant celles non romantiques que romantique.
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   EmptyVen 5 Mai - 10:10

Nice Smile
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Contenu sponsorisé

Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   _
MessageSujet: Re: Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."    Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."   Empty

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Caitlin ♥ Julian because "The strength I found to stay in control. That came from you."

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