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 Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"

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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyDim 19 Fév - 21:05

Bienvenue sur le premier thread d'Allie et Noah!
Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_li4ijg3cTz1qb43gso1_500-1

Liste des shippeurs

  1. Nick_Ship_Addict
  2. Lily7807
  3. MissGrey's
  4. Esther

Dernière édition par Nick_Ship_Addict le Lun 14 Jan - 17:07, édité 5 fois
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Fan de OUAT
Fan de OUAT


Messages : 5667
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Age : 35

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 20 Fév - 5:39

Moi Moi Moi Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 861362 Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 823657
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 20 Fév - 9:08

Tu es ajoutée ^^
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Fan de OUAT
Fan de OUAT


Messages : 5667
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Age : 35

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 20 Fév - 9:56

Merci !!!

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_l2x86pR06g1qc4bg8o1_500

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_l3elkcgABR1qc4bg8o1_500

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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 20 Fév - 10:05

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 875610 Tu veux vraiment me tuer? lol!
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Fan de OUAT
Fan de OUAT


Messages : 5667
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Age : 35

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 20 Fév - 10:16

Ah non, je ne suis pas une meurtrière, mais bon, moi je pourrais passer ma journée, à ajouter des images venant de Tumblr ^^

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_l40aoieNOk1qc4bg8o1_500

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You're Brian Kinney for fuck's sake
You're Brian Kinney for fuck's sake


Messages : 1304
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2010
Age : 29

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyMer 22 Fév - 19:09

j'ai vue ce film dernièrement donc Vous pouvez m'ajouter!


IL LUI A CONSTRUIT SA MAISON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 861362 Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 861362 Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 861362
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyMer 22 Fév - 19:24

Tu l'as enfin vu!!!!! Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 6423
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You're Brian Kinney for fuck's sake
You're Brian Kinney for fuck's sake


Messages : 1304
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2010
Age : 29

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyMer 22 Fév - 20:09

Moi je suis rester bloquée au fait qu'il lui a construit sa maison lol
Elle était mieux de la voir sinon je l'aurais frappé Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 845834

PIS IL LUI À ÉCRIT DES LETTRES TOUT LE JOURS PENDANT 1 ANS!!!!! Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 742607 Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 742607 Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 742607
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyMer 22 Fév - 20:25

Oui, il lui a écrit pendant 1 an, 365 lettres Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 861362
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Fan de OUAT
Fan de OUAT


Messages : 5667
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Age : 35

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyVen 24 Fév - 8:08

Moi aussi le fait qu'il lui construise la maison m'a vraiment marqué, on reste bloqué dessus un bon moment ^^

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_l40bjhJJyX1qc4bg8o1_500

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 8DJ6BN9ccpcsyqf8f2IZwl7Jo1_500
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Fan de Charah
Fan de Charah


Messages : 2991
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2010
Age : 31
Localisation : Belgique

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 14 Jan - 14:59

je m'ajoute!!
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 14 Jan - 17:07

Génial! cheers
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 29 Avr - 16:48

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_mlqajgQgx51ruo0fko1_250Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_mlqajgQgx51ruo0fko3_r1_250
Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_mlqajgQgx51ruo0fko2_250Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_mlqajgQgx51ruo0fko4_r1_250
Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_mlqajgQgx51ruo0fko6_r1_250Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_mlqajgQgx51ruo0fko9_r1_250
Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_mlqajgQgx51ruo0fko8_r1_250Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Tumblr_mlqajgQgx51ruo0fko5_r1_250
Citation :
“The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls
are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we’ve
lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we’ve found
each other. And maybe each time, we’ve been forced apart for the same
reasons. That means that this goodbye is both a goodbye for the past ten
thousand years and a prelude to what will come.”
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Fan de OUAT
Fan de OUAT


Messages : 5667
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Age : 35

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 29 Avr - 16:57

Oh ce couple Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 861362 Je les adore totalement, ils sont juste parfaits
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 29 Avr - 16:59

Oui! Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" 861362 Ça fait un bon moment que j'ai vu le film, d'ailleurs...
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Fan de OUAT
Fan de OUAT


Messages : 5667
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2010
Age : 35

Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" EmptyLun 29 Avr - 17:00

Je le regarde régulièrement Wink Mais moi aussi ça fait un moment que je ne l'ai pas vu !
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Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" _
MessageSujet: Re: Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"   Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over" Empty

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Allie<3Noah (The Notebook) #1 Parce que..."It wasn't over, it's still isn't over"

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