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 Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. "

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Fan de Charah
Fan de Charah


Messages : 2991
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2010
Age : 31
Localisation : Belgique

Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. " _
MessageSujet: Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. "   Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. " EmptyMar 17 Jan - 14:19

Bienvenue sur le premier sujet d'appréciation de Clay et Quinn

Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. " Crea_410

Membres shippeurs :
Pourquoi on les shippes?
Je me suis attachée au personnage de Quinn à travers Clay ^^,ils forment un couple mignon et un peu enfantin au début

Dernière édition par Esther le Mer 18 Jan - 13:55, édité 1 fois
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The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer


Messages : 16337
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Voyage dans l'espace à bord de Serenity!

Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. " _
MessageSujet: Re: Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. "   Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. " EmptyMar 17 Jan - 16:00

Ajoutes moi ^^

Est-ce que c'est toi qui a fait la banniere? Elle est superbe, mais il y a une faute dans le texte silent
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Fan de Charah
Fan de Charah


Messages : 2991
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2010
Age : 31
Localisation : Belgique

Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. " _
MessageSujet: Re: Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. "   Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. " EmptyMer 18 Jan - 13:55

ah oui c'est will ?? mais non il n'est pas de moi...sais pas faire ça moi !!!
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Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. " _
MessageSujet: Re: Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. "   Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. " Empty

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Clay♥Quinn (OTH) Parce que "I want to be your agent, Nate, but if you're gonna sign with me, you need to know that I plan on falling completely and insanely in love with Quinn. "

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